Thursday, January 20, 2011

Temperature Tantrum

You don't notice how comfortable your shoes are until you have a pebble in one. Yesterday, Palo Alto was room temperature (65 deg) and you could spit your gum on the sidewalk and pick it back up and eat it. You would too because you'd feel terrible to be the north eastern bull in a china shop - and the gum would still be clean. Everything is beautiful there.

Headed East and somewhere along the line, I picked up a pebble.

Back in NYC again (32 deg) and the people are getting pretty again. I just landed in Newark, New Jersey an hour ago and four transfers later I could practically measure the change like going from a meat locker to a sauna. Newark - everything is ugly there.

I took a plane, a bus and three trains to get back to Rockefeller Center for a day of work. ... And at the end of it still said "excuse me" before I shoved anyone out of the way. I am exceptional. Is this how Mother Teresa felt? They should give me a Nobel Peace Prize. They gave Obama one for no reason. I excused myself on a New York City subway - that's way better.

- J

Location:51st and 6th, New York,United States

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